
Welcome to our Governors’ section

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

St Edward’s Catholic Voluntary Academy Local Governing Body

If you wish to contact any of the governors, please use the email address below.  Please direct all enquiries for the Chair of Governors via Ms J Williams, Clerk to Governors, in the first instance, via the school office email in the link below.

Date of AppointmentsTerm of OfficeBusiness and
Pecuniary Interests
Attendance at
Meetings 2024/25
Mrs Danielle EyreChair of GovernorsDiocese of
28/01/19 -
4 yearsNone2/2
Mrs Claire GardnerParent GovernorParents09/10/23 -
4 yearsNone2/2
Mrs Paula KingFoundation GovernorDiocese of
01/09/23 -
4 yearsWorks for SRSCMAT2/2
Mr James CassidyFoundation GovernorDiocese of
01/09/24 -
4 yearsNonen/a
Miss Elaine SummerhayesFoundation GovernorDiocese of
01/06/23 -
4 yearsNone1/2

Previous Governors who served in the last 12 months and are no longer in office

NameAppointed byDate AppointedNo longer in office since
Miss Clare OrtonDiocese of Nottingham01/04/202131/08/2023
Mr Peter ShieldsDiocese of Nottingham01/02/202021/10/2023
Mrs Lindsay MayesParents11/11/201910/11/2023
Mr Adrian RobertsDiocese of Nottingham1/4/20221/6/2023

Annual Reports and Accounts, Members and Trustees Information and Duties

Information in these areas is held on the St Ralph Sherwin Catholic Multi Academy Trust website or by clicking the link below:


Should you wish to make a complaint, please see the Complaints Policy on the School Policies page of this website in the first instance.

Becoming a Governor in a Catholic School

You can find more details on being a governor in a Catholic school, including information on introductory training sessions, by visiting the ‘Governor Information’ section of the Diocesan Education Service (NRCDES) website

Being a Governor Factsheet

You can also call the NRCDES Governor Support Team:

NRCDES Admissions & Governor Support

Please also read the information below provided by the Nottingham Diocese.